I'm working mostly at nuclear powered vehicles because I find nuclear power somehow interesting in this game. However no matter how I setup my reactor and stuff around, steam turbines are quite weak in generating power per weight. At my ship I run about 20 steam turbines each connected with input and output large pump. Basically Pump > Turbine > Pump > Turbine and so on.
This way with 20 turbines connected in a row, boiler pressure at 8.8 - 9.5 and using single Large Generator I generate only about 3300W of electricity. Due to all the weight of turbines (500kg*20) and size of the ship this power output is not enough to run my ship faster than 40kph. ( Tested all propellers with variable ammount of them, best results were achieved with Waterjets ).
In my opinion Steam Turbines as they are now, are too weak, outputting too low power per weight.
For people I had touch with and agree on this game issue as well, I'd like to ask developers to investigate this issue. If needed, I can provide some test results and my vehicles to have something to work with.