In example: any logical object (such as SR-latch or any) has one logical input\output node for each compound block of the such object. SR-latch physically takes the place of 4 blocks and has only 3 inputs\outputs!!! That paradigm compel players to create each time smaller microcontroller (create new, rename it, settle nodes, rename inputs\outputs, come up with an emblem so as not to confuse later, save it) - and it's not so easy, but having at least 2 logical inputs/outputs on each composite block would simplify that task.
I mean it's not only will this make for a more convenient compact placement, but it will also allow for the creation of logical "retranslator". Yes, now you can also create a "repeaters", for example, for numeric values, using the logical object "Function" - simply multiplying X input by 1, but the "Function" object physically takes the place of 2 blocks, when 1 could.