Logic nodes can often have very cluttered descriptions, especially if it's a composite node that has a lot of output information to be written to it.
What I'd like to see is the ability to add line breaks to node descriptions.
An example of something without line breaks:
Outputs x position, y position, z position, euler rotation x, euler rotation y, euler rotation z, linear velocity x, linear velocity y, linear velocity z, angular velocity x, angular velocity y, angular velocity z, absolute linear velocity, and absolute angular velocity to the respective order composite channels
Could look much more organized and easy to interpret:
Outputs: 1: x position 2: y position 3: z position 4: euler rotation x 5: euler rotation y 6: euler rotation z 7: linear velocity x 8: linear velocity y 9: linear velocity z 10: angular velocity x 11: angular velocity y 12: angular velocity z 13: absolute linear velocity 14: absolute angular velocity