Spawn-in-seat feature like KSP will enhance QOL much better!
Spawn in seat means, when you spawn your vehicle from workbench, You can teleport to specific seat which you designated.
Getting on vehicle is one of inevitable action you do when you spawn/use your vehicle.
However, There's slight gap between you see the world and vehicle being spawned.
Hence, you can not jump in advance or if it is tall ship, most of time players utilize no-clip cheat to accelerate their boarding.
Spawn in seat feature will fill this gap of uncomfortable and make developing more faster, easier.
-Seats can have bool option or priority number in select menu if making new system i.e. only one part has true option.
-When you hover mouse over spawn button, additional button pops up under the spawn button. Spawn-in-seat button.
-After spawn-in-seat button clicked, after the vehicle is loaded, player get in the designated seat.
QOL update would be also great features, thanks!