- This is absolutely unnecessary. Steam Workshop::Fleet Model Two [Civilian] ( Is now missing a block. It should not that much space just to get enough air to the engine.
- This creation is also missing a block: Steam Workshop::Boston Conifer [Series I] | Light Pickup (
- I am feeling infuriated by this update, likely along with alot of other players.
- This technically would get air in through the grill, but this stupid update thinks otherwise: Steam Workshop::Boston Conifer [Series I] | Light Pickup (
- The extra voxel on air intakes is somewhat unnecessary. If a player uses a wedge by their air intake, it is blocked, for seemingly no reason. Not to mention this limits the possibilities with paintable sign grills.
- If the shitty ass devs keep releasing updates that make it seem like their IQ is in the negatives more and more people will be leaving Stormworks, and less people will be buying it. Nobody wants to buy a game run by money addicted idiots.