#24046 Air Filter description incorrectly claims that it only transports air |
#23317 Hopes & ropes drag vehicles, even sideways |
#23316 Severe multiplayer lag when server host uses map |
3 |
#23315 Gantries get overpressurized and then you can't sell fuel |
3 3 Comments |
1 |
#23314 Multiplayer games frequently crash when a player logs out |
1 1 Comments |
#23313 In multiplayer worlds, only the host can manually push vehicles |
#23312 Multiplayer lag caused when server host uses workbench |
1 1 Comments |
2 |
#15493 Air filter allows other fluids to pass through |
2 2 Comments |
#15492 Manually pumped fuel disappears when despawning vehicle in same base |
#15489 5L fluid destroyed every time vehicle is despawned |
1 1 Comments |