#16436 Variable radar frequencies for each type of radar |
#14401 Radar detector direction output |
#14390 Comments in the lua editor should not contribute to the character limit |
3 |
#12429 Third Rail / Overhead Lines for trains |
13 |
#11111 Ability to control sonar ping frequency |
2 |
#11110 Sonar should be audible from much further ranges underwater + being close to a sonar when it pings should deal damage |
1 1 Comments |
1 |
#11096 New sonar features |
1 1 Comments |
12 |
#11090 Sonar ping speed is not 1480 m/s |
7 7 Comments |
4 |
#10076 mfd monitors/huds Component Logic |
1 1 Comments 2 2 Duplicates |