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#25936 Trains on the main island have there engines explode when hiting a curve. |
4 4 Comments |
4 |
#14752 Differant sizes for the steam boiler so they can fit in smaller creations./Improvements |
6 |
#14749 Train Pantographs/Electric parts |
1 |
2 2 Comments |
7 |
#9210 Better career mode/all round game inpovements! Gamemode |
3 |
#8771 Fixed bogies for the trains. (they don't rotate if train only has one) Trains |
8 |
#4293 AI TRAINS! (BONUS: weapon DLC's NPC TROPS) AI Trains Weapons |
3 3 Comments 2 2 Duplicates |
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#4290 zoooom for wepon DLC guns and a new gun sugestion! Items Weapons |
26 |
#2406 Modular train wheels Steam Trains Wheels |
4 4 Comments 8 8 Duplicates |